четверг, 21 февраля 2008 г.

The paper

I thought I`d start converting the paper I did for Prof. Volkova`s course into a collections of elements I can first post there and then on the site(soon as I figure out how to convert the former into the latter). The paper is a massive one, here`s the introduction:
The literary piece I’m analyzing in this paper could by no means seem an obvious choice; it could be called a risky one, even, if you ask me. Absurdist plays are not as popular in Russia as they are in the USA, and there exists a kind of a prejudiced opinion against those in the wider circles of our society. I even get the feeling that people are- afraid to explore the meaning (since it is stated that there is no clear meaning at all by the very name of the movement taken into focus) of such works of literature. The bohemian circles, of course, take interest in such plays and poems, but, to my mind, either tend to wave a thing or two off nonchalantly or immerse fully in the absurd or randomnisty to which they add generously so that they are no longer seen or heard – no self-assured, clear, ringing sound is to be made out from the fog of emotions and voices each speaking its own undisputable truth.
Giving what I have written so far a critical squint, I am forced to admit that I, too, am falling victim to the magical luring charms of what linguists call “the associational component of a word’s meaning”. Having conceded defeat in trying to express myself adequately with the means of language that are available, I salute the Absurdists and start nurturing a warm feeling of being able to relate to the desperation, vagueness, fragments-of-thoughts-swirling kaleidoscopically-in-the-head-type of atmosphere they wrote in(supposedly).

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